Highland Creek Movie Club

Ranks and members


 - Creator: Justin Chaytor (30 G)
 - Directors: Justin Chaytor, Jonathon Jewel 25 G)
 - Producers: Justin Chaytor, Jonathon Jewel, Julian Gisonni (20 G)
 - Actors: (20 G)
 - Special Effects and Animation: Justin Chaytor, Steven deonarian, Julian Gisonni and Jonathon Jewel (22 G)

Total G's (Level) (G's are points)

 - Level 5: 50 G's 
 - Level 4: 40 G's
 - Level 3: 30 G's
 - Level 2: 25 G's
 - Level 1: 20 G's

Member G levels:

 - Justin Chaytor (Total 92 G's: Level 5)
 - Jonathon Jewel (Total 67 G's: Level 5)
 - Julian Gisonni (Total 44 G's: Level 4)
 - Steven Deonarian (Total 22 G's: level 1)